How to Fix and Prevent WhatsApp Bans on FM WhatsApp and Other Modded Apps

If you’re using modded versions of WhatsApp like FM WhatsApp, GB WhatsApp, or others, you might get your account banned. WhatsApp has rules that these apps can break, and if you do, your account might be temporarily or permanently blocked. But don’t worry! In this blog, we’ll show you how to fix these ban issues and give you tips to avoid them in the future.

FIX FM WhatsApp Ban Issue

How to Fix Bann Issue in FM WhatsApp?

If you are using a WhatsApp mod like FM WhatsApp, NS WhatsApp, or GB WhatsApp Lite or violate the terms and conditions of Official WhatsApp, then it banns your WhatsApp account permanently or temporarily. So if you want to fix these bann issues, then stay with us.

Fix Temporary Bann Issue

If you are facing a temporary bann issue, then don’t panic. This can happen when you use an unauthorized WhatApp mod or do any illegal activity. To fix this, follow the given guidelines.

Wait until the Ban Duration Ends

Temporarily banns usually last a few hours. You can check this on the app. The app shows a countdown, which indicates how long you need to wait.

Update FM WhatsApp

To temporarily fix the bann issue, update FM WhatsApp. But before updating, keep in mind to always visit a trusted and authorized website. And before updating, always backup your WhatsApp data so that you may not lose your important and personal chats.

Enable Anti-Ban Feature

FM WhatsApp gives you an anti-ban feature that lessens the risk of bann. So enable this for avoiding temporarily bann issues.

Switch to Official WhatsApp (Opional)

If you want to avoid the bann issue, then switch to official WhatsApp. It is end-to-end encrypted and has no banning issue. This is a safe option for you.

Fix Permanently Ban Issue

Contact WhatsApp Support

Go to WhatsApp support and politely explain your situation, but do not mention that you have used FM WhtasApp or any third-party app. Write a message like
Hello, I receive a message saying my WhatsApp account is banned by Meta. I did not understand why this happened. Please tell me what I should do right now. I am very thankful if you solve my issue. 

Use Official WhatsApp

If permanently banned, immediately uninstall the FM WhatsApp and download the official WhtasApp. You can download official WhatsApp from the Google Play Store or App Store.

Switch to Anti-Ban FM WhatsApp

You can also use the Anti-Ban FM WhatsApp. You can download anti-ban FM WhatsApp from a trusted source.

How to Prevent Future Bans

Using FM WhatsApp and other modded apps come with the risk of account bans, as these apps violate WhatsApp’s Terms of Service. To minimize the chances of being banned, you can follow these tips and practices.

Use Anti-Ban FM WhatsApp

Always download the anti-ban FM WhatsApp latest version for a verified source. The anti-ban FM WhatsApp is harder to detect and reduce the ban issue.

Avoid Overusing FM Features

Try to use only limited features at a time. However, some feature are highly detectable, like

  • Hiding online status, typing status, or blue ticks.
  • Anti-delete messages or status viewers.
  • Mass forwarding or spamming messages.

Keep Updating FM WhatsApp

Try to update FM WhatsApp regularly because FM WhatsApp developers frequently update the anti-ban feature to reduce the ban issue.

Enable Anti-Ban Setting

To enable the anti-ban feature of FM WhatsApp, go to FM WhatsApp Settings > Privacy > Anti-Ban Features and enable all available options. These settings may help reduce detection by WhatsApp’s servers.

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FM WhatsApp offers an advance privacy feature, but there is a risk of account ban. If you download FM WhatsApp from a verified website, then there are chances that your account will not be banned, and you can also enable the anti-ban feature for a safe messaging experience. For a safe environment, also try to keep updating the FM WhatsApp.


1. How long will a temporary ban last?

Temporary bans usually last anywhere from a few hours to a day. The app will show a countdown so you can see how much time is left.

2. How can I avoid a permanent ban on FM WhatsApp?

To avoid getting permanently banned, always use the latest anti-ban version of FM WhatsApp.

3. Can I recover my chats if I’m permanently banned?

If you switch to the official WhatsApp app, you can restore your chats as long as you’ve been backing them up. But you might need to use a new phone number if your old number is still banned.

4. Why should I use the official WhatsApp app?

The official WhatsApp app is safe to use because it follows all of WhatsApp’s rules. It’s also secure and keeps your account protected, so you won’t have to worry about being banned.